
are you a philosopher

reblog this if you actually like following me.

Is it me, or does tumblr most vehemently defend the symptoms of mental illness that bring out the worst in people? Is that all there is to it, as far as they're aware? A blank check to abuse everyone you meet without fear or expectation of reprisal? It really casts self-diagnosers in a disturbing light. Meanwhile, I find myself with yet another reason to keep quiet about my autism...

I confess

mystic messenger: a summary


Just saw the new figurine of Sakura and gasped, she is hot! This is exactly how Kishi drew her, just right amount of proportions at the right places. SP butchered one of the best designs of Naruto.

A very interesting detail!

My obsession with Sakura's beauty is not funny anymore

"Why do you hate the shape of breasts in plate armor so much?"

Your Character’s Personality

Hey hey hoodie! I don't know if you're up for it now but could you probably doodle a cute fluffy izuocha kiss? 030

Poland deserves better!


boku no hero academia for the series ask !!

Why I Don't Like Kacchako

Possible V Route plot I came up with (spoilers !!!)