Is it me, or does tumblr most vehemently defend the symptoms of mental illness that bring out the worst in people? Is that all there is to it, as far as they're aware? A blank check to abuse everyone you meet without fear or expectation of reprisal? It really casts self-diagnosers in a disturbing light. Meanwhile, I find myself with yet another reason to keep quiet about my autism...


It’s not just you.

They’ll defend to the grave things that actively harm other people - suicidal ideation, verbal abuse, insulting, stalking, guilt tripping, name-calling, and sometimes out right violence and death threats - and you’re basically told to deal with it because they’re mentally ill

However, (our mod Asahina being a victim of this first hand) if you do something minor - in her case wording something where it didn’t fully illustrate the point she was trying to make, wording something poorly, having less-than-excellent social skills, not understanding something fully, being gullible, or having low self esteem (especially as men), then suddenly you’re portrayed as an awful person for being manipulative or ‘hiding behind your disability’

People need to realize that mental illnesses have a lot of things about them that can be different - and that problematic behaviors need to be corrected (but not like it is on tumblr with extreme reaction).
