Possible V Route plot I came up with (spoilers !!!)


@choisgirls this was what I was talking about lol

Friend: If there is V route, what story it might be? Would it be that she dumped rika for mc or something like that for the ending?

Me: (this is gunna get long as shit)

I think V would come to chatroom more often during the forst four days period, at first to make sure MC is okay and all, then when you’re on his route he comes to the chatroom bc he’s curious about MC personally. They chat a lot and V sees that MC is kind and understanding and everything, unlike Rika, so he starts to open up to her as he begins to realize that
1. Rika wasnt as perfect as he thought and
2. He may or may not be starting to have feelings for MC (he thinks its friendship feelings tho)

I think the Big Event™ that happens in V’s route would be that Saeran, who monitors the chatroom more often, finds out about V being all nice to MC and reports to Rika. Rika gets furious and sends Saeran to attack the apartment.

Seven, who managed to hack into Minteye’s database due to Saeran’s increased interference in the chatroom, discovers this plan and relates it to V, while also demanding answers for Saeran being with Minteye. (he doesnt know about Rika since Saeran refers to her exclusively as Savior)

Bad End: In the chatroom, you are… let’s say not-so-nice to V, pretty much lowkey Rika? So V initially hesitates to go save you, but since he’s a kind and good boi, he goes anyway. V goes to the apartment too late and both of you die by Saeran’s hand.

Continuing: V manages to get to the apartment before Saeran with Seven’s help (Seven decides to reluctantly trust him after V promises he’ll explain later) and manages to get MC to safety by the time Saeran arrives. Saeran trashes the apartment out of anger that he failed his Savior.

Seven and V decide there’s no way in hell MC can go back to the apartment, and after some deliberation its decided that MC will stay with Jumin, since he has high security as well as quite a few spare rooms on his big-ass penthouse for V and MC.

Since V feels it’s his fault that MC was almost killed, he retreats within himself again, which leads to MC asking Jumin about V in hopes of getting answers. Through this, Jumin and MC get closer, while V inexplicably feels kinda jealous, ohoho, and he starts to realize his feelings for MC are romantic instead of platonic. In the chatroom, MC either flirts with Jumin a lot or is constantly trying to comfort V and tell him it’s not his fault, it’s okay, she’s not mad at him/doesn’t blame him, etc.

Bad End: MC ends up with Jumin after flirting with him a lot while she and V were at Jumin’s place. They get married and stuff while V watches, heartbroken, as Jumin’s best man.

Continuing: After MC’s constant support and comforting and reassurance, V finally accepts that the attack wasnt his own fault, and starts to slowly see that all the shit that happened with Rika wasn’t really his fault either. He no longer feels like he must let his vision decay away as his punishment and announces to Jumin and MC that he will get his eyes fixed, to both of their delight, as well as telling MC that thanks to her, he’s beginning to move on from Rika.

When he tells the rest in the chatroom, most are pretty happy (except angsty Yoosnug bc hoW DARE V MOVE ON FROM RIKA but its ok ‘cause he comes around eventually after V and Snug have a heart to heart in the chatroom and Snug eventually moves on from Rika too.)

Now, having finally moved on from Rika and realized his feelings for MC, V starts to lowkey flirt with MC (buts its super awkward and cheesy cos tol V is actually very smol) and they kinda highkey have chemistry going on (which Jumin is happy about ‘cause his Best Bro is finally getting the happiness he deserves), and they set an operation date to fix his eyes ASAP.

Let’s say the operation day is like day 9/10. When V and MC are on the way to the hospital for the operation (MC is there for support), they are once again attacked by Saeran and Rika. Saeran had still been monitoring the chatroom, found out about V moving on from Rika and forgiving himself. Saeran reported to Rika, so Rika, furious, orders MC’s and V’s deaths. Rika herself was there to personally kill V for “betraying” her, and kill MC for stealing V. Saeran was more like backup/an escort.

Bad end: V jumps in front of MC when Saeran shoots at MC, and he bleeds out in MC’s arms since it’s like right to the heart, (I mean this kind boi’s heart must be huge so it’s a big target lol) and Rika suddenly decides to kidnap MC and forcefully induct her into Minteye to “atone for her sins” under Rika’s watch. A few months later, after total silence from her and the RFA has somewhat accepted her and V’s sudden “disappearance”, MC suddenly reappears in the chatroom, saying how she just managed to escape Minteye and begging the RFA for help. When they go to meet her at where she is (Seven tracked her location from her phone), MC’s back is turned to them. Jumin calls out to her, and when she turns around, it’s a CG showing MC… but she has mint-green eyes and there is a small tattoo of an eye on her collarbone. Jumin is confused for a second before forgetting about it when MC “cries from happiness” at seeing the RFA. In reality, she is now Minteye’s secret agent and is Saeran’s assistant, here to convert the RFA members and bring them to paradise.

Continuing: MC and V manage to escape and hide from Rika and Saeran. MC calls the police, and the two get arrested. (Eventually, through interrogation, the police find out about Minteye and its members/victims, and they are rescued and all put in a psyche ward to try to recover from the brainwashing, solving quite a few kidnapping/disappearance cases in one shot) MC and V make it for V’s operation. After the (unrealistically short) operation, MC stays with V in his ward, taking care of him and reporting his welfare in the chatroom. The two get even closer during this period and after a bit of talking, where V reveals to her his real name (MY BOI KIM JIHYUN), as well as the truth of how his eyes were injured in the first place. MC feels so bad for him that she goes to hug him, but V gets all blushy and is like “um…. would you mind if I… kiss you ????” And then tHEY KISS YAYYYYY. The rest of the day, the RFA is totally fine with this, and is fine with MC staying with V for now to take care of him, and Jumin (ofc) send over like 10 million guards, but they raise the question of how MC can come to the party if she’s caring for V.

Normal end: since the party ended up small, with not many guests except some reporters who had wanted to interview V and MC and the RFA for their involvement with “The Minteye/Magenta Case”, V and MC stay in the hospital together, and V kisses MC again as he promises her he will tell her the whole truth after everything is better. (The question js tho: will he??? :OOOOO)

Good End: Due to the huge number of guests as well as reporters at the party, MC decides she should go to help, albeit reluctantly. V, not wanting to be without MC for even a moment now that he’s so happy with her, begs the doctor to allow him to come along (eventually he does.) At the party, V and MC are swarmed by reporters who interview them relentlessly about The Minteye/Magenta Case. After security shoos away the reporters, Jumin pulls MC away for a sec to thank her for helping V so much, but also lowkey implying that he has feelings for her (it’s like Rika all over again- //shot) before Zen pulls MC away from Jumin and scolds him for taking her away from V who needs her so much. (lololol) MC wraps her arm around V and acts as his guide through the party (I mean, he just had surgery, his eyes are probably gonna be bandaged af and he’s gonna need someone to help him get around) and after MC brings him to a more quiet corner so he has space, he kisses her again and hugs her tight, then whispers in her ear: “MC… I never thought I would get over Rika, but… you managed to heal my heart, my soul…. I love you so much… Will you please stay with me… for the rest of our lives?” (yeS MY BOI, YES)

After end: V and MC are on a picnic while overseas, on one of his photography trips to get pics to sell for next party, and V’s character thingy DOESNT HAVE SUNGLASSES, BLESS HIM. It’s revealed that they’re married, and V says he’s so happy to have this life with MC… as well as to create life with her as well. The CG suddenly shows V and MC sitting in a beautiful place, on a picnic blanket, cuddling with each other and MC quite obviously pregnant. They chat for a bit, and MC jokingly teases, arent you going to take pictures of the beauty around us ? And V replies, ok, and takes out his camera, moving away to take a pic of MC. MC is like, why’d you take a pic of me, silly? He replies: “Because, my love, your inner and outer beauty outshines everything else in the universe. You are the most beautiful thing I could possible take a picture of.”

Me: *is dying*
