Why I Don't Like Kacchako



My post is going to get hate. I like venting my opinions.

I personally don’t like Kacchako because it reinforces the “All Girls Want Bad Boys” trope, a trope I HATE so much. I prefer seeing the nice guy get the girl because nice guys should receive positive consequences for good behavior. Nice guys deserve love more than the bad boys. If you want people to like you, be nice. It’s a simple concept.

Also, Bakugou has bullied Midoriya, Uraraka’s close friend, for most of his life and shows less respect towards her because of her friendship with Midoriya. That should be a big turn off for Uraraka. Bakugou reluctantly respecting her shouldn’t be enough for her to overlook Bakugou’s bullying. Sure, Bakugou and Midoriya’s relationship has gotten better, but that’s not enough considering Bakugou hasn’t had any nice moments with Uraraka for over one hundred chapters. It doesn’t even seem like they’re friends, just people who tolerate and respect each other. One doesn’t care much about the other.

I also find it annoying how people ship them after only a couple scenes when Uraraka has so much chemistry and development with other characters throughout the series, like Midoriya, Iida, and Tsuyu. The Bakugou and Uraraka fight is for individual character development rather than relationship development. Uraraka and Bakugou barely interact after their fight, and their relationship plays no significant role and gets very little development, if any, in future chapters.

Uraraka and Midoriya have had a lot of moments leading up to the fight and after the fight. They’ve been so sweet to each other. They’ve been each other’s number one fans. Uraraka was even trying to be more like Midoriya and was thinking about him while fighting Bakugou. It’s crazy how people can dismiss their close companionship and favor the very few moments Bakugou and Uraraka have. Midoriya being Uraraka’s number one supporter and close friend should be more important than Bakugou’s reluctant respect towards Uraraka.

Again, sorry about this post. I don’t normally care too much about ships. There’s just something about the overwhelming support for Kacchako that rubs me the wrong way. Since Bakugou barely interacts with any of the girls, it feels like people are desperate to ship him with some girl, so they ship him with Uraraka because she’s the only girl he has important moments with, albeit VERY FEW, and the moments they have are over 100 chapters ago.

Sorry if you’re a Kacchako shipper and you read this post. You can ship whatever you want. Don’t worry. I’m only one person with an opinion.

Agree with all of this and more… Bakugo shouldn’t be shipped with anyone. The dude has an ego bigger then UA and a temper that would only result in something abusive. Bakugo might not be a villain, but he’s not exactly what I’d call a decent person either. He’s never taken the time to look back on his actions and think about what he’s done. Not a single apology or hint of regret for what he’s done to other people, except for MAYBE All Might, and even then that regret is entirely selfish on his part.
