

Author’s Note: Ya’ll thought this was gonna be funny didn’t you

Series: My Hero Academia

Pairing: Izuku/Ochako

Length: 613 words

Rating: Safe

Ochako huffed.

“You’re really a handful sometimes, Deku.”

The mop of green hair attempted to chuckle only for it to hitch into a mild hiss as his partner attached the bandage to his injured arm. “I can’t really fight that argument anymore can I?” While he wasn’t facing her, Izuku still felt her glare. “Besides, it’s worth it when you’re my doctor.”

Ochako’s hands stopped for a moment. A blush ridden smile crept to her lips. Curse him and his flattery. Curse him and his reckless disregard for his own body. Curse him and his…defined muscles.

“Um…Ochako? You’re kinda squeezing a little hard there,”

“Oh! Sorry, sorry!”

She reluctantly withdrew her hands from his patched up body. He looked so hopeless. How could a quirk be so self-destructive? Even on her worse days, Ochako only got away with an upset stomach. Every quirk has its drawbacks as far as she knew but why was his so drastic?

“I worry about you a lot.” she blurted out.

Her words seemed to weigh in on his shoulders. Izuku grew somewhat slightly more reserved. “Yeah, I….yeah.” his head hung guilty.

Ochako gently turned him around. His face was unreadable, yet they both looked each other in the eye. She coyly brought her hand to his cheek.

“Deku? Why do I worry about you so much?”

Izuku didn’t answer right away. Ochako noticed as his expression grew heavy. His calloused hands gently interlocked with her palms. The difference between their hands was so drastic; hers were soft and delicate while his were worn and scarred.

“Uraraka,” Izuku began. “I’m…sor-”


Ochako grabbed both sides of his face, catching him off guard and staring directly into his eyes. She didn’t care how close their faces were or how nice his scent was.

“Just…don’t apologize to me.”

Izuku couldn’t find any possible response no matter how hard he searched.

“Deku, I want you to promise me. Promise me that no matter what, you won’t kill yourself like this.”

He heard those words before. The tone, the worry, the tears, it was all too familiar yet with Ochako it felt so much more powerful.

He gave a woeful chuckle. “I really am a handful aren’t I?”

“Don’t joke! I mean it!” she wanted to drill it through his thick skull. Hammer in all the worry, all the stress, and all the strife she experienced. All for him. “I just…I just don’t want you to-”

In that moment, Izuku’s arms immediately wrapped around her. She was caught by surprise but she eventually nuzzled into his embrace.

“I can’t promise you that.”

The words hit her like a truck. She felt something-something inside her-break. She just-she felt so much for this one boy, this one foolish, heedless boy. Ochako chastised herself for the tears that streamed down her face. She shouldn’t have been crying. Not in front of him.

Izuku released her, still holding onto her shoulders. Ochako squeaked as she held back her sobs. She didn’t want to look at him as he scrutinized her in her pathetic state. Still, he wiped the tears from her eyes.

“I can’t promise that I won’t get hurt,” Izuku held her close, touching her forehead with his, “but when I do, I promise that I’ll always come back to you.”

Ochako hiccuped, letting a small smile form at her lips. “…Always?”

“Always.” he placed a kiss on her forehead.

“I love you, Midoriya Izuku.”

“I love you too, Uraraka Ochako.”
