I confess


I never take those people who say Sasuke is boring while simultaneously adore Naruto seriously.
Like really, Naruto is as interesting as watching paint dry. He’s naive and so predictable, you can literally imagine Naruto in any given situation or circumstance and know with certainty how he would behave. Writing him is child’s play. I’ve read a few Fanfics and Naruto behaves the same on ALL of them, that’s how easy it is.
There is a damn reason why Kishimoto admitted that he introduced Sasuke because the series seemed to go nowhere with Naruto. Sasuke is the guy who ran the Naruto story.

If it just comes down to whom you like or hate, then that’s subjective but if it’s a matter of who is interesting or boring then there is no debate. What is so interesting about Naruto, his whiskers? Lol what.
