
ss is anti-feminist af

genres of article that can go away forever

Thing that disappoints me in ML

A2, Saeyoung when he finally manages to wrangle Elizabeth III into his arms for a cuddle!!!

ok but wait, what would Bridgette do if she caught Chloe being..well, herself to Marinette.

yeah can i get uhhhhhhhhhhh

I know this may sound stupid but what kind of costumes would the 104th and vets wear ?

Have you ever

ByaRuki Fanfic Recommendation List!

a conversation i had with a 96-year-old woman

No one be listening to me that's why I got a blog in the first place

*arrives at fifth most populous city in france*

Things food snobs are wrong about

Felix whats your favorite thing about Bridgette? Bridgette whats your favorite thing about Felix?