



If you have a child and they are creeped out by a nephew or older brother touching them or looking at them a certain way, you need to have a serious talk with that person and keep them the hell away from your child. Don’t minimize it or tell your kid to hug them anyway, that kid is picking up danger signals they don’t even understand yet. But so many families will tell that kid they are being a brat.


A quick note- this applies to female relatives as well. One of my aunts ignores my little brother’s requests not to hug or kiss him (he has aspergers and doesn’t like physical contact with people he is not very close with). I have repeatedly placed myself between the two of them and had to tell her to back off and stop trying to “desensitize” him. Whether or not there are “danger signals,” it is not okay for adults to invalidate a child or teen’s request for boundaries. We need to teach children now, when they are young, that they can say no to these things and that other people can too.

also, if a child is creeped out by a family member or family friend and doesn’t want them touching them, and they’ve been alone with said family member/friend before, talk to your kid about why they dont want to be touched. its very possible the kid could of been abused by said family member and is trying to avoid it happening again, even if they dont understand it. 

if my parents had done that, all the abuse I had gone through for 7 years could of been cut down to 1-2 

thought i share my unimportant experience.
i was really tsunderish kid with a lot of pride. me? wanting physical contact? never! so i always screamed something like “dON’T ToUcH meH!!“ even tho i didn’t really mean that. now i feel unloved, have every sypthoms of “orphan disease“ in my language, probably translated as separation anxiety disorder in english, i’m not sure about that. i crave physical affection, yet i will never admit it, ESPECIALLY to my parents.
