
Just a reminder that your popularity on tumblr does not define your worth. You are a part of a fandom even if you don’t get as much as notes as other artists or your memes don’t spread as widely as that of other bloggers. You are appreciated. It doesn’t matter if you are too shy to actively participate and just silently reblog other people’s posts. Don’t feel intimidated by big accounts, they are humans just like you and they have their flaws as well. If a popular blogger threats you bad or kinkshames you they might get backed up by their followers but that doesn’t make their actions right. They aren’t perfect beings just because a large crowd is following them and your opinion is as valid as theirs. So don’t be afraid to stand up for your opinion and just be yourself. You are allowed to enjoy yourself and do what makes you happy. If you are happy just being on tumblr that is fine, you don’t need to be popular. Don’t delete your posts just because they didn’t reach a certain amough of notes. Even if only your close friends follow you that is already fine. You don’t need ghost followers. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself. You are doing fine and as long as you are having fun your blog is important ♡
