
I really wanted to say something about the end of day 9 on Jaehee’s route

All throughout her route everyone treats Jumin as the bad guy because he overworks Jaehee and she decides to pursue happiness instead.

But in this phone call with Jumin, after Jaehee has deliberately messed up the slides by using Seven’s Jumin says that he is aware of his wrongdoings and apologises for it, saying it was because Jaehee was too efficient.

I love Jaehee, don’t get me wrong, but she was the only person Jumin could rely on at that point. She was the only woman for the job that wasn’t interested in his wealth and just wanted a job. Her leaving him may have been a good thing for her, but it really leaves Jumin stuck.

Everyone, including you to get the good ending, complains to Jumin when all he says for the next few chat rooms is that he regrets overworking her and is going to miss Jaehee because of how capable she was.

Then he goes and steals Seven’s car, something he claims to be revenge on Seven, and despite knowing that he can’t drive, drives anyway. He said once in a previous chat room when asked if he drove; ‘No, the driver drove. That’s why I’m still alive.’ This suggests that it was actually a suicide attempt to go and crash Seven’s car.

Everyone hates on Jumin in Jaehee’s route when in actuality, he apologised and gave a very valid reason for overworking Jaehee, showed that he regretted losing her, and then when still faced with hateful comments from the others, goes and crashes a car which he knew he couldn’t drive.

Jumin in Jaehee’s route really needs to be talked about more. He was not in a good position and in a way, it’s Jaehee’s fault for not noticing the mental health of her employer and purely taking interest in her own happiness from the encouragement of the MC.
