
summoning jutsu!

the nerd i reblogged this from has a quality blog & i recommend you all follow them.

When Eggs won't let you into the office

17, 23, 28 for your question meme! :)

Anime asks because why not

So I tried this new deep conditioner recipe

Make me admit stuff?

if you want to, reblog and explain in the tags where your blog title comes from!

Reblog if you’ve come to terms with how much voltage guys have changed your standards for a real-life boyfriend.

Seven be like

I hate this whole Hinata Vs. Sakura thing that is still going on even two years later. They argue about who is prettier. They argue about who is stronger. They argue about who has the better marriage. They argue about who Kishi confirmed first. They argue about who is the heroine (which they both are but in different ways. Sakura is the story's heroine and Hinata is Naruto's heroine). It's like shut the f up already and just go to your seperate corners.

things V deserved

*ZEN and Jumin Han has entered the chatroom*

when you click on a link and it opens in the same tab

Do you ever wonder what your body looks like from another persons eyes?

The person I reblogged this from deserves to be happy

Reblog if it's okay to start talking to you because you are nice and shit.

Kubo was Pro-IchiHime From Th e Beginning~


The Trashcan Chronicles