
What she says; lol i love zuko

What she means: Prince Zuko’s character development was done astoundingly well. Never was there ever a fictional villain as dimensional and well created as Zuko. This is a character who, from birth, has had this massive standard placed on his shoulders. A standard that he never, in all his life, was able to meet up to. For years he considered himself an absolute failure. Zuko blamed himself for the horrible things that happened to him as a child. He struggled everyday to crawl his way up to “honor”. But as the years passed and he experienced new things, Zuko began to change for the better. And this development was not always clear and steady, just like how it is in real life. Even after months of living healthily, Zuko would revert back to his old ways of thinking and surround himself with the very toxic people that made him so troubled. But, this amazing character who I love so much, pulled through. He was able to forgive himself, and finally see that the unfortunate circumstances in his life were not his fault. And he finally found some fucking peace.
