The Trashcan Chronicles


Chapter 3


The trashcan as we see it the first time. It is concealed behind the text, inconspicuous. Not too obvious, but you can’t miss it either.


The trashcan appears once more, one of the imporant objects of this scene. Notice how the trashcan is faithfully by the bench’s side and never moves away…

Chapter 181


The trashcan makes its first appearance in chapter 181. Notice how it’s in the centre point of the panel. It brings the attention to the reader to it.


Notice how once more, the trashcan one of the most important objects in this scene.


The trashcan and the bench, sitting on the road, E-X-I-S-T-I-N-G.


Look at it, peeking from the upper limits of the panel. Like that meme with the cat in the ceiling. Almost…


Again, peeking from the bondaries, we might as well say ‘Boundary Trashcan is watching you confess’.


See, the bench and the trashcan are metaphors.

Sakura is of course, the person who waits for the beloved to come back, so she’s the bench. Since it’s going to be a long wait, might as well wait sitting down. Kishi referenced Sakura and sitting or waiting while thinking of Sasuke. 

On the other hand, Sasuke is the trashcan, because…


Indeed Sasuke abandoned his comrades and doesn’t care about them (or he pretends to). He’s worse than trash! Or would be if he wasn’t a little shit who’s faking it. So he’s just trash. What holds all that trash btw? A trashcan. So Sasuke is represented by the trashcan (drawn trash would be unnapealing). This is a manga for 12 year olds. Obviously, the similes must be simple enough for them to understand. As such, Kishimoto resorts to recurrent themes.

sidenote: This explains why the trashcan is not present in Sakura’s flashback in chapter 3. At that moment, Sakura thought Sasuke was angry at her once and to symbolise his supposed desinterest from Sakura’s POV, the trashcan which symbolises him is not there. Kishimoto is quite the clever fox, thinking of everything. I’m such a genius decoding it all.


And of course, once Sasuke is gone, the trashcan is gone. It’s no longer depicted next to the bench, like it has always been. This is because the trashcan (Sasuke) has left the bench (Sakura). Perhaps he took it to Sound as a souvenir?

We should organise a hunt to the trashcan and make it talk, then we’d know if Sasuke kissed Sakura or held her hand. It knows.

Chapter 183


Once again, with feeling. Kishimoto wants to make that point clear. The trashcan is gone. So until the trashcan (Sasuke) comes back to the Leaf, the bench (Sakura) will stay lonely without its companion. Awww.


Come home, trashcan, you little shit filled with shit! The bench is waiting for you!
