Which Paladin of Voltron Are You?



Here you go, everyone! I made a “Which Paladin of Voltron Are You?” quiz!! Are you tired of taking a bunch of extremely vague and cookie-cutter answer Voltron personality quizzes? Well, then try this one out. Certain questions can apply to more than one character. 

There’s no questions about “what’s your favorite color/animal” and is loosely based on the Myer-Briggs Type Indicator. Don’t take it too seriously (no matter who the paladin is, you won’t be able to relate to them 100%) and have fun! 


Just in case anyone was interested in the results! The quiz was created December 5th and has been taken roughly 12,300 times so far (as of December 7th). Lance appears to be the most relatable personality with Shiro as the least relatable. I can’t say I’m surprised, actually. But it’s interesting nonetheless! 
