Hi ok please read this


There’s a scam running around that I’ve seen on my dash a few days ago, but never figured it would happen to me now. It asks you to lend you some bitcoin stuff, and promises to return it back (but c'mon man, we all know you ain’t) (。ŏ⌒ŏ)

What bothers me is that the person whom I received this message from seems like any other blog who reblogs weird and funky stuff. I have two hypotheses on the matter: 1.) there’s a bug or a glitch or something and this scam utilizes in order to get random (innocent) blogs to message you (and unfortunately get blocked even if they might have done nothing) or 2.) the blog really knew what they were doing and sent the scam message anyway.

So hey guys, please be aware that if you get a sketchy af message from me that does not begin with either REALLY LOUD FANGIRLY SCREAMING or an actual diplomatic statement with me politely gushing over your stuff with correct grammar and all, it’s a fake and I never sent you that. Especially if it involves me borrowing money from you, because i only do that face to face with my irl besties (much to their annoyance probably HAHAH)

DO NOT SEND BITCOINS, I REPEAT, D O N O T DO IT!!! I am honestly not even sure what the heck it is but whatever it may be, it looks like the shadiest thing that can come out of a dark alley at 3am in the morning, so don’t.
