
Marble Hornets Darker Than Black AU 
(I imagine next to none of you have seen this show, so feel free to ask me about it. I have many a headcanon for this AU. :P)

Amy looked on in mute horror as the bodies of the two men fell to the ground, blood flowing from wounds that were sure to be fatal, eyes wide in shock. Alex straightened up, the blue glow around him fading. He pulled a marker from his pocket and rolled up his sleeve, revealing dozens of circles with Xs drawn through them drawn directly onto his skin. Most were inked in black or blue, but some were drawn in red or green. Some looked as if they’d been through many showers and rainstorms, but others looked like they could have been drawn on yesterday. 

“You’re…you’re a contractor?” Amy squeaked as Alex methodically added six more circles to his arm, as if compelled by some unseen force to do so, “But…how? I…you…”

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, Amy,” he said, pulling his sleeve back down, “but if I had, the police would have taken you away and had your memories wiped.”

Amy continued, as though she didn’t even hear him.

“I’ve heard a lot of rumors about people like you. They say contractors can’t feel anything. No emotions, not even guilt. They’re just out for themselves. Anyone who they get close to is just a means to an end,” she said, “So why would you…? Was any of that - were we - even real?!”


He took a step towards her, and she immediately took a step back. Her hand, the one still holding the tape, the tape that was now resting in Jay’s hand as nothing more than a melted lump of plastic, began to shake.

“What’s on this?” she asked, “This isn’t some home video, is it? There’s no way.”

“Amy, I need you to give that to me. This has nothing to do with you.”

“No, not until you tell me what’s going on!”

As Amy slid the tape into her pocket, the scene went black. Jay could still hear their conversation just fine, but it hardly mattered. A sudden explosion on the other side of the warehouse drowned out all other sounds and replaced Alex’s attempts to give Amy a calm, rational explanation for all of this with terrified screams.

Tim ground out his cigarette on the block of cement he was sitting on.

“Get anything useful?” he asked.

Jay opened his eyes and sighed.

“Not really. Amy put the tape in her pocket, and after that it’s impossible to say what exactly killed her,” he said, looking down at the warped tape in his hand. He put it into his own pocket, releasing his grip on the memories associated with it, and the blue glow that surrounded him disappeared.

“What do you think is on that tape anyway?” Tim asked, “Or was, I guess. No way it’ll play now.”

“Not sure. I’d have to spend more time with it,” Jay said. He took out his camera, the compulsion to film gripping him again as it always did whenever he used his power. He was grateful that his payment was something he already did a lot before becoming a contractor. It made things so much easier.

Next to Tim, perched on a chunk of debris, Brian turned his own camera over in his hands. His unfocused eyes stared out at some scene unknown to the rest of them. Jay found it unsettling. He jumped a little as Brian moved suddenly, pulling his mask down over his face.

“Someone’s coming,” he said, his voice dull and matter-of-fact.

Tim swore and put his own mask back on. Jay turned and looked towards the entrance of the now destroyed warehouse. Tim lunged forward and grabbed him by the wrist.

“Time to go.”
