I don't personally ship Kirishima with CowChan (Yes, CowChan) but I got to agree his relationship with CowChan does make that douche bearable xD But anyways how are you enjoying the Anime so far?


I don’t particularly appreciate characters like Bakugou (though I see he is more than just a stereotype and has a lot of potential and I do find him interesting, especially since I’ve read the manga so I know what happens after Kamino and so on).
I like loud characters, sunny characters, positive characters, happy-though-they’ve-been-through-some-bad-stuff-characters.. dorky characters.
Kirishima is probably my favorite among the kids and tbh I could ship him with more and different characters (as he has many different but all positive bonds, so I don’t mind him being paired up with Denki, Tetsutetsu, Izuku, Mina..).
But Bakugou? I can’t imagine him with anybody but Kirishima (and in general I don’t think romance is in his top priority list, so it would be more like a relationship that helps each other improve and better themselves, maybe as a Hero Duo, as partners you know)

The anime is i n c r e d i b l e. I mean, the plot is super good, the characters, the art, everything is great, I’m really glad I finally gave it a chance :)
