2 angst please? Zenhee 💕


I did not edit this at all! And it took way too long to write…I was distracted with @7space0chips7 ‘s stream :) Not that I’m complaining. Ok, well, this is angsty, buuuuutttttttt…………………

let herself into Zen’s apartment. She was humming as she lay her purse and keys
on the table by the door. She took a swift look around the living room and
attached kitchen. It still looked clean, but, it could never be too clean.

was still on location and she had promised to look after his home while he was
gone. She almost skipped into the kitchen to grab the watering can for the few
plants around the apartment. Filling it, she took a deep breath, inhaling Zen’s
scent. Her heart was full and she felt almost lightheaded with euphoria. It was
late, almost 11pm, but she had wanted to get this done before going home. She always
felt better after taking care of Zen’s possessions. She lovingly watered the
plants and dusted off the large green leaves.

took opportunity to dust around the plants as well, even though there was
really no dust to be seen. She began to walk towards Zen’s bedroom, her
temperature rising, as always when she entered his inner sanctum. She always
denied her urge to snoop, to riffle through his belongings, to crush his pillow
to her breast and bury her face into it filling her nostrils with his rare and
perfect scent. She held the water can and the duster in one hand, as the other
reached for the doorknob, swiftly turning it and walking into the darkened

was startled to realize there was a lump on the bed, was Zen home? Suddenly she
blushed at having walked in on a sleeping, possibly naked, Zen. The lump moved
and she jumped and yelped. She could barely see, the only light coming in from
the hallway. She was about to turn and leave when she noticed that there were
two figures on the bed. One was clearly Zen, his silver hair in a tangled mess,
his crimson eyes wide with embarrassment. The other was a raven haired woman
with startling green eyes staring at her, stunned.

the door!” she shrieked. Jaehee’s paralyses broke and she twirled on her heels,
slamming the door behind her. She stood for a few seconds, the watering can and
duster held to her breast, trying to catch her breath. There were tears in her
eyes and she didn’t understand why. Her heart felt as if someone had stuck it
in a vice and was twisting it, soon, it would explode. She stepped away
quickly, dropping the can and duster on the kitchen counter. She headed for her
purse and keys, intending to scoop them up and leave. She was already trying to
forget what she had seen.

in bed with another woman. She told herself it was none of her business. They
were only friends, it was all she wanted really. She was a fan, nothing more.
Zen could do whatever he wished with his life.

her the door to Zen’s bedroom opened. “Jaehee! Wait…Ahh…I…I didn’t know you…um…”
Zen stuttered, not sure why he felt a sudden dread about being caught having
sex by Jaehee. He was just embarrassed. He would feel the same no matter who
had walked into his bedroom. He ran a hand through his hair, a nervous habit he’d
picked up as a teenager.

sorry Zen. I didn’t know you were back, I was just tidying up, that’s all. I’ll
leave now.” She could not look at him.

kind of late for that.” Zen uttered, not knowing what else to say.

come by when I get off work. You know most days I work late.” Jaehee tried to
laugh good naturedly, but it came out harshly.

Zen whispered. Her name coming out of his mouth in that tone made her heart
skip and the tears that were burning in her eyes finally fell. She grabbed her
purse and keys and began to open the door.

pushed it closed, he was so close to her now. He had tossed on some pants, but
his chest was bare. Jaehee looked away, squeezing her eyes shut, willing the
tears to stop. She had no right to feel this way.

leaned against the door, keeping her from using it. His chest constricted as he
watched her attempt to avoid him. He knew she was crying and he felt ashamed to
have caused it. He wanted to comfort her, he wanted to take her into his arms. But
this was Jaehee, his friend, his fan, she had never shown any desire to be more
than that.

The woman
stalked out of the bedroom, a red negligee on. Zen eyed her as she grasped
Jaehee’s arm and tried to twist her around. He opened his mouth to tell her not
to, but it was too late.

grasped the woman’s wrist and pulled her forward, knocking her off balance. She
stepped aside and flung her against Zen. The woman slammed into Zen and they
both gasped, their breath knocked out of them.

eyes widened as she realized what she’d done. It had been instinct, but she found
that it had felt good to toss the woman around. Although, she felt a bit
ashamed at having hurt Zen as well. If they had not been against the door, she
would have fled through it.

bitch!” the woman screeched and turned to try and attack Jaehee with her clawed
hand. She took a step back, but Zen grabbed the woman around the waist and
yanked her back.

Zara! You don’t want to mess with her.”

the hell do you think you are? What…are you jealous?” she scoffed. “Did you
really think you would ever have a chance with a man like Zen?”

bit her lip, her shoulders slumped. She hated that this woman had picked up on
something that Jaehee herself had never known about herself. Seeing Zen with
another woman had struck at her heart. It had shattered her core and all she
wanted was to escape.

my god.” The woman laughed. “I was just kidding, but I’m right?” she doubled
over, slapping her bare knees. She turned to Zen, “Can you believe your maid
has the hots for you?” Zen’s eyes narrowed and he grasped her arm painfully.

up!” he snarled. Her eyes went wide and she pouted. “You don’t know anything!”

The woman
tore her arm from Zen and burst into tears, she ran back into the bedroom and
Zen couldn’t find any sympathy for her. What had he been thinking sleeping with
her? He shook his head and sighed heavily.

tried to get around him while he was distracted, but he grabbed her arm too. “Don’t
go, please.” He said softly, his lips hovering above her hair.

shouldn’t be here. I’m sorry.”

have every right to be here Jaehee. Please, promise me you won’t leave.”


me.” He asked again, a slight hitch to his voice.

She sighed
and nodded. Zen accepted her acquiescence and made his way quickly to the
bedroom. Jaehee stood where he had left her, trying to catch her breath. She
looked to the door, wanting desperately to run through it. She should leave. She
was so embarrassed already, promise or no promise.

walked back out, a black t-shirt on now, the woman in tow.

going to regret this! I’m going to ruin your career Zen! And I’m going to ruin
you too MAID!” she sneered at Jaehee as Zen walked her right past.

“The cab
will be here soon, Goodbye!” he opened his front door and pushed her out, not
ungently, he still tried to be a gentleman, even though he knew he had made a
mistake with her. He leaned against the door with a huff, closing his eyes and
rubbing at them with the heels of his hands.

shifted from foot to foot.

He finally
opened his eyes and focused the crimson orbs on her. Her breath caught. He stepped
close to her and placed his hands on her arms.

I’m so sorry you saw that. I…I don’t even know what I was doing. Ah…that’s not
true…” he turned away and leaned over the counter. “I’m just so damned lonely.
You have no idea what it’s like. To have so many adoring fans, but never having
anyone to come home to.”

not the adoring fans, but, I know exactly what it’s like to enter an empty

He snapped
his head around. “I guess you do know. Doesn’t it ever get to you? Don’t you
ever make a mistake?”

like that, no.” she lowered her head, “Oh, I don’t mean to say that I judge you
for it Zen. I understand that you have…needs…”

He took
a step towards her. “What about you? Do you have needs?” he asked.

hand went to her face. It was flushed, on fire.

answer that! It isn’t a decent thing to ask a lady. Forgive me. But, you shouldn’t
let me off the hook that easily either. Tell me, be honest, do you have
feelings for me?” he asked. He was too close. She could reach out and touch
him, she desperately wanted to.

should go.”

he lifted her chin to look into her eyes.

doesn’t matter anyway, we only work as friends, nothing more. You…you need to
think about your career, what your fans want.”

took a deep breath and let her go, “Maybe you’re right. I’ve never thought…I
mean…you’ve always been my best friend and fan, anything else, seems…wrong

heart sank, but she wasn’t surprised.

course.” She gathered her things, hoping the other woman was already gone. The last
thing she needed was another confrontation.

She placed
her hand on the knob and turned it. As she opened it, Zen pushed it closed forcefully.
Stunned, Jaehee jumped and turned, setting her back to the door.

again, I’ve never been one to shy away from a difficult path.” He snaked his
hand around her waist and pressed them together. His lips landed on hers and
she dropped her purse and keys, they clattered to the floor. After a few
seconds, her hands were tangled in his hair and she was yanking those locks
enough to elicit an erotic moan from Zen. She gasped and pulled back, hitting
the back of her head against the door.

are you alright? God, I’m sorry, what is wrong with me? Of course this is not
the right time to do that! After you just found me with another woman! I…I don’t
mean to be disrespectful Jaehee.”

ok Hyun…” she breathed, his real name dripping from her lips caused Zen to lose
his train of thought.

we should talk about this tomorrow?” He said quietly.

nodded as Zen picked up her belongings, handing them to her. He leaned in once
more and touched her lips with his lightly. “I’ll call you.” He whispered. She
nodded again, unable to trust her voice. She opened the door and walked to the C&R
car, the driver got out and opened the back door for her. She looked back, Zen
stood at the entryway and waved. She shakily waved back, a small smile on her
