So, you hate Hinata for loving a guy??


no, that is a strawman. a) I don’t hate Hinata, and b) I can see that she lacks individuality because her entire character is about loving a guy. This is portrayed as a good thing, and I don’t think that’s good writing for a female character. Everything she does is about elevating Naruto and showing how great of a person she is for loving Naruto. We really don’t see her do anything else but be a mirror reflecting how great Naruto is and showing that loving Naruto is good. During the war, she pretty much just regurgitates Naruto’s beliefs back to him. There should be more to a person than their love life, and I think most people would agree. They should have character traits that don’t relate directly to their love life. I’m hard pressed to think of something about Hinata as a person that doesn’t somehow relate to Naruto.

Idk what this has to do with my recent critiques of Hinata in combat anyway. Don’t get me wrong, I think Hinata is a lovely person; I just don’t find her to be a particularly interesting or well-written character.
