
What about the RFA and Unknown and V finding out that MC has a career in the arts (author, artist, actor or something like that?) @saeranlover

Lol it’s been like 5,000 years since I’ve done a request, here you go bbies


  • It was always a lingering thought in Yoosung’s mind

  • The thought always came randomly, but sometimes he swore that he  recognized your voice

  • Like the one time you yelled “Come at me!” at a friend who was teasing you and he just froze for a second to think about why it sounded familiar

  • It wasn’t until one day he was testing out a LOLOL character he’s never played before and she screamed out a line of dialogue before her attack

  • And suddenly he heard your voice behind him perfectly recreate the line

  • He turned around to see you cheekily grinning from your place on the bed

  • But it was wiped off your face soon enough because baby boi just pounced you into a big hug


  • You giggled as he rapidly asked you other things you voice acted in and gawked when he recognized the other characters you’ve voiced in games and cartoons

  • He’ll shyly ask you to reenact his favorite lines or scenes and his inner fanboy will show

  • Yoosung’s never really been into the behind the scenes stuff but he already somewhat was a fan of yours before so he’s basically dating his favorite VA

  • Silly lil’ peanut is gonna ask for your autograph on his merch of the characters you’ve voiced


  • She found out during one of your nights in

  • You were in the kitchen preparing the snacks while Jaehee sorted through the set of musicals the two of you had rented for tonight (you finally convinced her that watching ‘Promiscuous Jalapeno’ for the 8th time in a row was a little much)

  • Once that was all said and done, you cuddled up to Jaehee while the movie started as she fed you popcorn

  • Oh crap, you recognized this movie

  • You actually got the part of the main dancer in this film (it was your typical dance batte film)

  • You somewhat never wanted her to find out  that you were an actor/dancer in fear of always being compared to Zen

  • Once your character was introduced, Jaehee’s eyes squinted a little at the screen before gasping and shaking your shoulders

  • “MC, MC, IS THAT YOU?”

  • “U-uhm nooooo…?”

  • “Wait, why would you keep this secret from me?”

  • After explaining your reasoning as to why, she just pulled you into a tight hug

  • “I’d never compare you anyone else, I love you just the way you are, famous or not!”

  • After watching the movie, she put aside the time to scour the internet for every performance you’ve been in and is about to be the proud owner of all your merch

  • jaehee please no that was our grocery money


  • “lolol zen have you seen mc’s latest cover?”

  • “Cover? What’re you talking about?”

  • “the one on her youtube channel???”

  • “…”

  • “you do know what she does for a living, right??”

  • After Seven endlessly mocked Zen for not knowing what his own girlfriend did for a living, Seven graciously provided the link to your Youtube channel

  • Zen then proceeded to spend the next 3 hours of his life going through

  • your entire channel

  • He knew that you liked to sing and sounded like an angel but this

  • This is something extraordinary

  • You actually made a living doing this and he never even knew!

  •  He finally made his way up to your latest cover (which was uploaded about a week ago), and HO L Y  C R A P

  • It was the song he’s practiced at home for months on end for a musical he recently just starred in!

  • When you get home that night, you’re bombarded with compliments and questions (mostly compliments)

  • You explained that you never recorded around him because you were afraid that he might’ve thought you were going to use him for popularity

  • “Babe, I know you would never do that NOW WILL YOU PLEASE DUET WITH ME–”

  • Guess who has the best mashup cover of ‘Butterfly’ now


  • Coming home a few hours early was indeed a rare occurrence for Jumin

  • Usually when he came home, you were instantly there to greet him with a hug and kiss

  • He called your name, but there was no response, just a faint typing sound

  • After hanging his coat on the coat hanger, he began walking towards the noise, his hands already working on loosening his tie

  • “Ah, here you are, my love,” he said upon entering the officeroom

  • “Jumin, you’re home early,” you smiled, letting your husband wrap his arms around your shoulders and resting his chin atop your head

  • “The office had to close early for some renovations,” Jumin explained, “but I’m more interested in what you’re working on.”

  • “I’m working on my next book!”

  • The surprised look on his face made you remember that you never brought it up to him before, but now is as good as time as any to explain

  • Jumin seemed genuinely intrigued as he listened to your explanation on your book series, which was apparently very popular

  • When you finished, he asked if you could lend him the first addition, as he did enjoy reading in his spare time

  • And soon enough, he was hooked

  • He’d have long talks with you over dinner on how he wasn’t expecting a plot twist or how well you wrote your characters

  • Or about how you should hurry and finish the next book because you left him on a cliffhanger


  • He’s known since the background check that you had a job in digital art but he tucked that away in the back of his head because there were too many other things happening at the time (eg the hacker, your sudden appearance, his emotions and job…)

  • It isn’t until one day where he’s been able to work for a few hours straight without you lecturing him about how he should take a break

  • So he got up from his chair, slapped his right leg a few times to wake it up, and ventured outside his office to find you

  • To no surprise, you were huddled inside in the bedroom, but this time with your drawing tablet in hand

  • “Hey Saeyoung,” you tiredly muttered, eyes still glued to the laptop screen

  • His eyes trailed to where you were looking and a look of mock hurt morphed on his face, “MC, how dare you draw a picture of another man!”

  • You stifled a laugh at your boyfriend’s dramatic tone, “Zen just asked me to draw some things for his website so I’m–”

  • You should me drawing me instead! Here, I’ll even pose for you!” 

  • You regret even looking behind you, because Saeyoung was already stripping down to his boxers, need I remind you the pair with cat faces on them




  • Usually you were making some sort of noise in the house, but today you were oddly quiet

  • “MC? Where are you?”

  • “I’m in the living room,” you hollered back as he started making his way over, “Be careful not to bump my arm though.”

  • “What’re you doing?” he asked, taking a seat on the floor next to you

  • You explained that you liked paint and used it as a way to make some extra pocket money

  • V was very happy and excited to hear that you had an artistic career just like him

  • You were always delighted to describe the paintings to him, and you always did it with such passion

  • After awhile, he started to miss photography and he so badly wanted to see your work for himself

  • So he decided to get the eye surgery

  • Once he did, he was appalled at how much he can see your heart poured onto the canvas

  • You often went out into nature together and sit there together for hours to photograph/paint and enjoy one another’s company

  • You also loved painting some of V’s older photographs and he loved it and every single one is framed in the house

  • #artsycouple

  • The day you painted a picture of the sun and gave it to him, he cried


  • The first time Saeran ever walked into your room, his eyes immediately darted to the big, colorful collection of sticky note pads on your desk

  • He picked one up, noting that every one had a slightly different drawing than the others, “What’re these for?”

  • “Oh, I’m an animator! I like to use these sticky notes when I’m bored.”

  • He never got to watch cartoons as a child so this was all new to him

  • Watching you peacefully work is very, very soothing to him, to just watch the lines fill with color so smoothly

  • You even let him have some of your already drawn-on sticky note pads and he likes to flip through them when he’s nervous or needs to calm down when something’s bothering him

  • His favorite is the one you made for him where it goes “I love you, Saeran!” with a cute little doodle of a cartoony-looking you kissing his cheek on it

  • As mentioned before, he never got to watch cartoons or movies as a kid and he’s willing to watch the ones you’ve worked on

  • It always amazes him that you made what was on the screen and he loves it (he’s never said it out loud but it shows on his face)

  • He really enjoys the ones that are story-based rather than the nonsense slapstick ones (which is what Saeyoung enjoys, much to his dismay)

  • Seeing the childlike innocence in his eyes is heartwarming and you wouldn’t trade it for the world 
