Time to recap.


  • Sakura’s cherry blossom impact in the war is greater than any strength feat Tsunade has ever demonstrated.
  • Sakura and Tsunade used strength without using seal power and from what we saw Sakura’s crater, as I said before, was greater than any feat Tsunade showed. This along with Sakura saying that she doesn’t waste chakra looking young shows that Sakura’s strength even without the seal is greater since Tsunade always has chakra in use.
  • Sakura equaled Tsunade in medical prowess in the war according to databook 4.
  • Sakura was stated to have caught up to Naruto and Sasuke when she said so because her level was always hidden in databook 4.
  • Sakura used all of Tsunade’s healing jutsu perfectly. 
  • Sakura mastered evasion to the point that she didn’t need Chiyo’s help to predict and evade Sasori. This is chunnin Sakura we’re talking about.

  • Sakura has all of Shizune’s techniques and surpassed her- databook 4.

  • Sakura and Tsunade both have the same level of chakra control i.e. since they have the yin seal.
  • Sakura still has her genjutsu potential.
  • Sakura is 38 years younger and has no clan buffs whatsoever. 

So yes even without hype and foreshadowing there are feats and clear statements telling use that Sakura has surpassed Tsunade. This is seen, most notably, in her having more strength and more chakra available for use while she is equal in chakra control and medical prowess as a 16 year old. I am not even mentioning the foreshadowing, which according to some Hinata fans doesn’t count lol.
