
I was tagged by @poofzvega ^^ Thanks fam!

Name/nickname: Agata

Gender: Female

Star sign: Sagittarius 

Height: 178 cm

Sexual orientation: asexual probably

Hogwarts house: Ravenclaw (don’t we all)

Favorite color: I like all colors equally except olive and similiar.

Favorite animal: Cats. All cats. Big cats too, but domestic cats are the reason to live

Average hours of sleep: 3 when there are deadlines, 6 in normal day and 12 during holidays (average? never heard of)

Cat or dog person: Cates are life (but dogs are okay too)

Favorite fictional character: SO. MANY. Nick from The Niflheim+, Neji, Zuko, Corvo, Outsider, Zeref, almost everyone from main crew in DtB

Number of blankets I sleep with: in my dorm i use two to sleep on them (cause the bed is hella hard), one for original purpose and fourth was given to everyone here, so i use it to cover the bed when i’m not sleeping (so 4 overall). but at home i use only 2: to sleep and to cover bed.

Favorite singer/band: My music taste change really often, but for now i’m obsessed over Lectro Dub (his new album is true gold, creme de la creme) (also on my tumblr there’s player with the songs that i currently like and which are suitable for tumblr aesthetic)

Dream trip: to fictional worlds (especially from atla)

Dream job: superhero. but if it won’t work out, something within the field i’m studying (chemistry)

When this blog was created:

28 Sep 2013 20:31:10 (there’s a site post limit where you can check)

Current number of followers: 170

When did your blog reach it’s peak: Dunno, I was pretty active like two or three years ago, but now i have probably the most followers if that’s what’s this queston about

What made you decide to make this Tumblr: the blog @sasusakuiscanon was so good i had to follow. i was huge sasusaku trash then. (still one but a bit less)

Tag 20 followers you want to know better. (Or as many as you feel like tagging, really :P)

@huehnerkoenigin, @saeran-s, @puns-starlight, @darkerthanevanescence, @sasusaku4life, @snapplepaps, @louulouuxox, @major-victory, @mykie-hyun, @avpdanon, @bk4ever, (sorry if any of you don’t want to ;-;)
