
replied to your post
“Still up for chatting w/ European followers who wouldn’t mind giving…”

Okay what do you want to know

Are there any big differences in the way things are done (or portrayed as being done) in the U.S. and how they’re done in Europe? It could be anything, really. Public transportation, restaurant etiquette, whatever a visitor might need to know so they don’t accidentally commit some cultural blunder or get hopelessly lost or something. I am open to literally any pointers or advice you have.

sorry i’m so sorry i haven’t noticed this reply earlier ;__;

i don’t think there’s much difference in these things. with maps in phone you won’t get lost, there are street names nearly everywhere. i heard in U. S. people smile a lot to strangers, so don’t be discouraged if people might seem depressed/ sad/ annoyed to you, probs are 70% they’re not. in shops it’s considered rude to just leave shopping cart anywhere after shopping. and people don’t do small talk often, so in most places like lifts, doctor’s waiting rooms etc. there’s usually silence. 

everything i know about USA is either from internet of films, sorry if it’s not enough and/or wrong T_T

just follow everyone else and you’ll be fine (my life motto)
