I'm not usually one for angst, but I just had a thought and maybe you can give your insight on it too. What if Seven & MC both died in [insert some sort of accident here] and entrusted their child(ren) to Saeran? How do you think that would go? qq thank youuuuu


(◞‸◟;) so sad but I will write!

  • The news of the car accident was jarring for Saeran
  • But his new title of legal guardian to his niece, his brother and sister-in-laws 6 year old daughter, was overwhelming to say the least
  • He remembered them asking if they could put him down in the will and he just shrugged it off as something you did, he never actually thought anything would come of it
  • The first day was the hardest
  • She was quiet
  • More quiet than she normally was
  • He could tell that she was sad and scared
  • In her little hands she had been clutching a picture of her with her parents on her 6th birthday 
  • His place wasn’t exactly set up for kids
  • He hadn’t even been able to grab most of her stuff or her bed from the old house
  • So he placed some blankets and a pillow on the couch for her
    • “Are you…hungry?” he asked
  • Though she still didn’t make eye contact with anything but the floor, she shook her head ‘no’
  • And Saeran sighed in relief
  • As he was staring into his empty cabinets at a few cans and an old box of crackers
  • A grocery store trip would be a must the next day
  • He had Yoosung watch her during the afternoon so he could go out
  • He figured it would be too much for her to go home and see everything so soon
  • It was sad to see all of the things scattered around the apartment
  • Saeyoung’s half-finished toy projects still lay on his work bench
  • The calendar hanging on the wall with appointments that will never be made
  • Spoiled food in the fridge
  • He lingered in the hall to look at photos
  • There were the wedding ones
  •  Saeyoung hugging Saeran during the reception, a huge grin on his face as always 
  • And pictures from the birth of his niece
  • He had never seen Saeyoung so happy
  • Saeran remembered holding her small body for the first time in the hospital
    • “She’s…cute,” he said with a half smile
  • He threw some toys that looked promising in a bag and loaded her bed up
  • Taking one last look at the place before leaving
  • He would have to figure out what to do with everything eventually, but for now he’d focus on his niece
  • His computer room was cleaned out and he moved her bed into there
    • “You can decorate or whatever…I tried to grab what I thought you would want but I can always go back,” he placed the bag next to her bed
  • She ran to the bag and began rummaging through it, throwing out a few things until she found what she wanted
  • A cat stuffed animal she’s had since she was an infant
  • She pressed the paw and Saeyoung’s voice came singing through
  • He had recorded both of their voices singing lullabies and saying sweet things to her
    • Mommy and daddy love you so much
  • She clutched the cat and began to cry
  • Oh shit, she’s crying…
  • Saeran froze for a moment not knowing what to do
  • He knelt down next to her and placed a hand on her back
    • “It’s okay to be sad…and it’s okay to cry,” he said softly
  • Not the best words but it was all he could think to say
  • He made a mediocre meal for dinner and she picked at it a lot without eating much
  • Saeran didn’t blame her, but he knew his cooking would improve the more he did it
  • Which, he guessed, would be just about every day now that she was there…
  • He cleaned up the plate’s and bowls from the table
    • “Is this normally when you go to bed?” he really was lost
  • She nodded and grabbed her kitty plush to get ready for bed
  • He could hear the sound clips from the cat going off intermittently as he washed the dishes
  • When he finished and her light was still on he peered in from the doorway to see her sitting in the bed crying softly
    • “Do you need something? To like…talk or something?”
  • She shook her head
    • “Well…mom and dad would…read to me,” she said through whimpers
  • Right, of course
    • “I’ll be right back,” he said
  • When he returned he had a book in one hand and was dragging his computer chair in the other
  • Sitting next to the bed he showed her the cover
    • “S-” he choked for a second, “your dad used to read this to me when we were your age,” he opened it up
    • “Dad did?” she wiped her eyes and seemed interested for the first time since she arrived
    • “Yeah, he did. He always made sure to explain things to me, and do voices,” Saeran smiled remembering it
    • “Dad did that for me, too,” she smiled
    • “I’m not your dad…but I can try my best to read it like he would.”
  • He closed the book and stood up
    • “Do you like ice cream?” he asked her
    • “I do”
    • “Stories are always better with ice cream, I’ll go get some.”
  • He had seen her smile finally
  • Perhaps he was getting somewhere
    • “Ice cream? In bed? Is that okay?” she asked
  • Saeran shrugged
    • “I think for tonight it’s okay.”
