Draw Yourself Challenge!


Do you want to learn to draw yourself better? Do you want do draw yourself but just don’t know what to draw yourself doing/wearing? Take this challenge! Reblog as a daily challenge or have followers request numbers— do whatever you please! Have fun!

  1. Draw yourself in a space suit.

  2. Draw yourself in the clothes you wore yesterday.

  3. Draw yourself wearing an outfit one of your parents typically wears/wore.

  4. Draw yourself making some breakfast.

  5. Draw yourself as a witch.

  6. Draw yourself as a dragon.

  7. Draw yourself riding a dragon.

  8. Draw yourself in the style of the last animated thing you watched.

  9. Draw yourself wearing a ball gown.

  10. Draw yourself wearing a fancy suit.

  11. Draw yourself wearing tennis shoes.

  12. Draw yourself wearing a top hat.

  13. Draw yourself walking through snow.

  14. Draw yourself surrounded by trees.

  15. Draw yourself with war paint.

  16. Draw yourself playing a musical instrument.

  17. Draw yourself in pajamas.

  18. Draw yourself with different-colored hair.

  19. Draw yourself with different colored eyes.

  20. Draw yourself wearing colorful socks.

  21. Draw yourself wearing a baggy hoodie.

  22. Draw yourself eating ice cream.

  23. Draw yourself as a merperson.

  24. Draw yourself wearing sunglasses.

  25. Draw yourself wearing a knit hat.

  26. Draw yourself wearing a few bracelets.

  27. Draw yourself wearing something purple.

  28. Draw yourself with your best friend(s) or significant other(s).

  29. Draw yourself with a potted plant.

  30. Draw yourself smiling.

  31. Draw yourself pouting.

  32. Draw yourself stepping on a lego.

  33. Draw yourself as an alien.

  34. Draw yourself as a dog.

  35. Draw yourself as a cat.

  36. Draw yourself as a fish.

  37. Draw yourself jumping.

  38. Draw yourself running.

  39. Draw yourself in swimwear.

  40. Draw yourself wearing a helmet.

  41. Draw yourself as a ghost.

  42. Draw yourself sticking your tongue out.

  43. Draw yourself hugging somebody.

  44. Draw yourself in bright sunlight.

  45. Draw yourself in the rain.

  46. Draw yourself laughing.

  47. Draw yourself wearing boots.

  48. Draw yourself lighting a candle.

  49. Draw yourself as a super hero.

  50. Draw yourself sleeping.
