Anime meme~


  1. First anime you watched

  2. First character you feel in love with

  3. First anime crush

  4. Fav. anime op

  5. Fav. anime ed

  6. Top 5 fav. anime

  7. Fav. anime movie

  8. Character you hate the most 

  9. Fav. anime genre

  10. Anime you dropped

  11. Name the most underrated anime in your opinion

  12. Character you hate but everyone likes

  13. Characters you like but everyone hates

  14. Top 5 fav. characters

  15. Sub or Dub

  16. Anime or manga

  17. Top. 5 character you hate 

  18. Top 3 anime on your ‘’To watch list’’

  19. Fav. ship

  20. Top 5 notp

  21. Top 5 otp

  22. Canon ship you hate

  23. Fav. female character

  24. Fav. male character

  25. What age did you start watching anime?
