Reasons why I dislike yaoi fangirls



  • “Let my gays marry!!!”

  • They like to play the homophobic card every time someone says they don’t like a certain yaoi pairing.

  • Usually straight and phobic of other sexualities

  • They like to use the “good ally” card just because they like watching two anime guys do the do and talk about how hot it is.

  • “When I have kids, I hope I have a boy and I hope he is gay so I can ship him with other boys and fangirl over his relationships!!!”

  • “I ship my boyfriend with his best friend!!!”

  • Extremely disrespectful about female characters because they “get in the way of the yaoi”

  • Seemingly ignores the fact that a big majority of anime and manga that fall under the yaoi genre revolve around rape and sexual harassment… but one man saying “no” while the other continues is extremely hot so it’s ok apparently….

  • That whole thing when gay marriage became legal in the US, tons of fangirls were screaming about how their fictional gay guys could finally marry.

  • They like to invalidate trans/nonbinary characters and automatically making them male just for the sake of yaoi ships.

  • To sum it up, a majority of yaoi fangirls sexualize an entire sexuality and, by doing so, disrespect irl gay men and see them only as fanservice fodder and then turn around and act like they are the best allies ever.

  • Literally the female equivalent of dudebros that watch lesbian porn

  • “I wish I was a boy so I could be in a gay romance”

  • Those jokes about how if they see two actual gay men in real life, they want to watch them make out. 

  • Have a habit of invalidating trans men and not seeing them as actual men. 

  • seme/uke stereotypes

  • Quite a few are apparently those “I am not like other girls” types

  • Anything that involves two gay men is automatically called “yaoi”

  • “Stop kinkshaming us” 

  • “Oh my gosh I am watching an anime with two guys kissing I am so dirty!”

  • Overall have a very unrealistic view of gay men
