
I got you little anon.

Click here for a a 1 hour video tutorial that covers (Mac/Windows):

  • Photoshop preferences

  • Photoshop workspaces

  • Photoshop keyboard shortcuts

  • Obtaining gif material

  • Preparing gif material for Photoshop with, VLC, Quick time player, OBS, KMPlayer and Adobe Bridge (Not much on adobe bridge to be fair)

  • Video importing a gif.

  • Importing frames through stack

  • Timing of a gif

  • Colouring a gif / Applying a PSD

  • Resizing gifs for Tumblr

  • Sharpening and surface blur

  • Save settings

The rest of the page contains some more resources and a written tutorial by activeraid which is a great tutorial that goes a bit more in depth about certain aspects of gifmaking than I do in that video.

Note that this tutorial is for ANIME gif making specifically, although methods can apply to live action and western cartoons just fine.
