



I hate when I ship a male and female character together and some people immediately screech “nNNONONONO…they cANNOT BE STRAIGHT…u cannnNNOT DO THATT…wwhhhYY Do stRAIGHT people ruiIN EVERYTHing…”

Hey guess what

1. I’m not straight and I don’t appreciate people who assume my sexuality
2. A guy in a girl in a relationship doesn’t automatically make them ‘straight’ lmao but thanks for erasing bi/pansexuality you piece of shit
2. Honestly I don’t think I headcanon a single character as “straight” and that doesn’t change just because they’re shipped with the opposite gender so shut the fuck up.

There’s nothing wrong with straight relationships?? Just because this is tumblr it doesn’t mean everything is gay alright.


also 9/10 times the people who shout about characters not being straight really mean “i don’t like women in my ships”
