5 things to do on a study break


1. Stretch (especially your back and your neck) 

2. Read
Your favorite blog, a chapter from a novel, some poetry… Whatever helps to nourish your mind !

3. Have something to drink 
These are a few healthy options you can try : 

  • Cold water, 

  • Warm water with lemon, 

  • Fruit infused water, 

  • Tea, 

  • Fruit juice, 

  • Smoothies, 

  • Almond milk

4. Go for a 10 minute walk, or do some light exercise 
Here are some fun routines if you’re just starting out : 

5. Call a friend or family member
It always helps to relax and put things into perspective.

6. Tidy your desk or your room
Clutter affects your ability to focus. To have a clear mind, make sure you clear up your workspace ! 

7. Take a shower or a bath
This will make you feel more relaxed, focused… and clean !

8. Listen to music
And why not dance a little while you’re at it ?

9. Have a snack

  • A piece of fruit,

  • Some yoghurt,

  • When in doubt : chocolate always helps ! 

