Science in Naruto


  • Eye and arm transplants - nerve regeneration - Madara, Obito, Danzo

  • Reconnecting limbs and severed torsos

  • The statistic for a person’s chances of surviving the curse seal is 1/10. This was determined after a grand total of ten people were administered with the seal.

  • Shizune transmutated Neji’s hair into tissue for his vital organs.

  • Kabuto blending a mixture to inject into himself.

  • Through his various experiments, Orochimaru lost his human body and became something that resembles the morphing of several white snakes. He has gained resistance to many poisons and amazing healing abilities. He lost his limbs.

  • Sasori is a human puppet with only a live beating heart. The heart is needed to produce chakra. Why does he not require any other organs? How does his heart gain nutrients to sustain itself and continue producing chakra?

  • Zaku was able to use his arms despite having pipes running through them.

  • Kushina, Minato and Tsunade can manage movement with their spines severed

  • Kushina and Minato are able to speak despite a large portion of their torso being destroyed.

  • Blood loss means little. The five Kages were severely injured. 

  • Iryo ninjutsu heals wounds and is later able to provide the user with chakra,
