
okay but another thing that I love about ichihime is how Orihime loves Ichigo’s kindness, like it’s not another sad story of a girl being in love with someone who’s not a good person or doesn’t treat her right or whatever like even though Ichigo tries to put up a tough front sometimes, Orihime gets his soft side, she sees all of the good in him, and she just loves it. She knows he’s an amazing person and that’s why she’d still want to love him in every lifetime, because she just loves being in love with him! He makes her so happy, she credits him as the reason she can talk about her tragic past without getting upset, and says that he’s kind for going to the ghost bust show even though he hates it because he wants to be with his family, she thinks it’s sweet how much karin and yuzu love their big brother and ate dinner in his room when he was bedridden, and after spending an afternoon with him, she went home and just gushed over how nice he is, blushed into her hands and kept repeating “he’s so sweet!” And the thing is, Orihime was abused; she hasn’t always known kindness in her life, but she found it in Ichigo and fell in love with him for it. And that is just so special and important to me, and one of the reasons why I value this ship so much.
