The "love" in team 7 and Why Sasusaku is always the main love theme in NARUTO


(Still dont get why NH and SS keep arguing about which ship should win the Ultimate Love Award in Naruto, hope this post will hit something in your mind)

Based on my humble knowledge, the ancient Greek classified “Love” in 4 terms: 


Agape, Storge and Eros. Coincidence or not, each member of team 7 and their bonds with each other as well as other people perfectly represents these 4 types of love.

1. Kakashi - Philia: The love between friends, or comradeship

“I will never let my friends die”. Kakashi was the first one that enlightened his students about loyalty and friendship. This is also his Nindo, which obviously shown through Kakashi’s relationships with Obito, Rin and Gai. 


2. Naruto - Agape: The love for humankind, the sympathy or charitable love for everyone

regardless of their flaws or faults


Which was so clearly depicted through his famous Talk-no-jutsu. Jesus Naruto successfully tamed and inspired his enemies as well as ordinary people who were about to make a wrong decision, namely Inari, Neji, Gaara, Nagato, Kurama, Obito, Sasuke, Sarada and

the Onions


3. Sasuke - Storge: The love for the family and relatives

Sasuke loved his family more than anything else. The love for his family was the curse that he had to suffer. The little boy who was once pampered by his parents and beloved brother was forced to grow up after the family massacre. Sasuke therefore had to close his heart to anyone whom he was about to start a bond with, including Naruto, Kakashi and Sakura.


4. Sakura - Eros: The romantic love between a man and a woman

Sakura’s love for Sasuke is admirable. It was the love for Sasuke that made her stronger and suffer as well. But like Naruto, she never gave up on Sasuke, the chilldish crush of a little girl gradually transformed to a beautiful feeling of a matured girl. 

If Kakashi the Teacher taught Sasuke about friendship and Naruto the Saviour saved Sasuke from darkness, then Sakura, as a Healer, healed Sasuke’s broken heart and offered a home for him to come back.


Sasusaku, from the beginning till the end, is always the main love theme of the whole series. While in NARUTO part 1, Sasusaku relationship was just about the innocent feeling of two kids happened to be in the same team, part 2 was the brave love of a heroine for a criminal and the meaningful reciprocation from the Uchiha avenger at the end of 699; part 3, aka Gaiden is about the family bond between father to mother and parents to their child. 


the fact that Sasuke represents Family love and Sakura for Romantic love perfectly explains why Naruto Gaiden is all about the new Uchiha family, not the flawless Sunshine family of the main character or any other pairings in NARUTO. Sarada Uchiha is the result of the love between a man and a woman, who then formed a family, “connected by mutual feelings and the real thing”


Well, Kishimoto intentionally delivers this meaningful message to his readers, who are still kids or old enough to become parents. That is why the last page of his 15-year masterpiece is all about the Uchiha’s love and bond, its too precious for this crazy world isnt it?

