[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0DYP-u1rNM?feature=oembed&enablejsapi=1&origin=http://safe.txmblr.com&wmode=opaque&w=500&h=281]


Vision: Crash Course A&P #18

by thecrashcourse:

Next stop in our tour of your sensory systems? VISION. With a little help from an optical illusion, we take a look inside your eyes to try to figure out how your sense of vision works – and how it can be tricked.


Table of Contents
The Structure of the Eye 2:31
The Fibrous, Vascular, and Inner Layers 3:33.2
The Retina 4:56
Photoreceptors, Bipolar Cells, and Ganglion Neurons 5:09.2
Rods and Cones 6:07.5


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FROM: Future Is The Future

Awesome gender neutral vintage clothing: http://futureisthefuture.com

TO: Beth
FROM: Joey

I Love You Beth Ronie With All Of My Heart!


Thank you so much to all of our awesome supporters for their contributions to help make Crash Course possible and freely available for everyone forever:

Sofie Harning
Sour Bags & Totes
Don Phillips
Christian Dodson
Christian Dodson (once again)
Christian Dodson (again)
Christian Dodson (NO EDGE)
Sour Bags & Totes
Amy Guerrero

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