You are a disgusting shit taste Rukia tard. You should be ashamed of yourself for liking that flat chested midget. But of course you're probably some flat chested justin bieber looking lesbian yourself. So you inevitably indentify with that trash. Pathetic, not sorry to burst your bubble but Ichiruki is trash and so are you for liking said garbage. May you step on leggos today ;)




Well, what can I say, I myself am more of an ass woman, so, I guess tits  just don’t phase me, since I have my own, and they are no where near flat. Nice to see that IchiHimes fandom has sunken to the level of homophobic insults though. Oh, IchiRuki is trash?


when your nasty ship has something like this, then we’ll be on the same level, til then, I have nothing to say about that disgusting opinion of yours. But hey, at least you guys have photoshop and imagination, right?


Anyway, well, Origo, lets see what your god and idol Orihime has to say about Rukia’s looks – 



Well, alright, she’s amazing, sure but what about her looks?


What…? Oh, wow, alright, so – to Orihime she’s beautiful. 


Oh, so even a lover-boy like Keigo thinks she’s beautiful?


And her Zanpakutou is canonly beautiful. And as we know your Zanpakutou is a representation of yourself.


So, now we see where Kubo himself wrote characters saying how beautiful Rukia IS, proving you wrong, but thats not enough to prove it to a homophobic piece of shit like you. Okay, but lets see how ICHIGO sees Rukia. and in contrast lets see how he sees ORIHIME as well.


Ugh, definitely NOT beautiful, how disgusting


Oh, my…certainly not beautiful. Yikes.

But, lets see what RUKIA looks like in Ichigos thoughts and point of view…


Wow, yepp, thats definitely beautiful, most clearly when compared to those two faces above.Rukia is canonly beautiful to Ichigo as well, he thinks of her making bedroom eyes at himself.


Wow look at her certainly not ugly, in that sexual pose.


Wow, again, Kubo thinks she’s beautiful enough to be a succubus, seducing men.


And then theres Orihime….what is she a bag of dog mess? suiting

So, now, lets see what did Kubo say about Rukia, through the story that is? I mean Rukia is canonly beautiful, her sword is canonly beautiful and a representation of her soul and self, making Rukia beautiful.

First of all, you are the type of Bleach fan that makes me sad and our fandom an ugly place. You, too anon. You both should be ashamed of yourselves. 

You make ‘claims’ that this was obviously an IH fan who is upset because of your pairing, but what actually evidence do you have to back that claim?  The anon who sent you hate may just be a troll who actually just hates your pairing, either way this is a horrible way to respond to hate.

You also claim to be ‘pro-women’ in your blog description, please enlighten me. In what way is attacking Orihime, another female character in the series, ‘pro-women’? Calling fictions characters ugly, really what are you doing. This is one of the basics of feminism, not shamming women for their looks, it is degrading. Thank you for being narrow minded, you people truly do wonders for women’s rights. 

It’s obvious that Ichigo and Rukia would have more official art with both of them in it, they are the main characters of Bleach.  But belittling someone else’s photoshopped work? How does that help your ‘cause’ which would be defending IR and Rukia.  

This not an Ichihime post, do not tag it in the Ichihime tag. Although, you did also tag it as anti-ichihime, so you got half way there. 

Do not ever refer to my fandom as homophobic, there are bad fans everywhere, in every fandom. Shocking as it may be, but in your own as well. 

And do me a favor, since you think Orihime is so UGLY, stop shipping her. It’s obvious you only hold malice towards her, it’s not fair to her character.

 I end with a picture of some of the Bleach ladies, all being beautiful. 


Grow up all of you. 

Applauds Bren, all Bleach women are beautiful , stop slut shaming and misogyny 2015.
