
Two Great Innovations: Floating Metal & Super Glass

Researchers have created a metal “foam” that is lighter than water. Ships made of it would float even with a hull breach. But that’s not too likely bc the metal is also very strong, able to withstand 25,000 psi, and the structure of the foam also acts a shock absorber.
Needless to say, this can have a lot applications, especially for machinery intended for aquatic environments. 

Researchers have also created a new type of glass film that is both superhydrophobic (water will literally bounce off of it), much like water on lotus leaves - as well as substantially reducing reflective glare, much like moth corneas.
Their innovation will have wide ranging benefits, but perhaps most excitingly for solar panels. As the article notes:

the suppression of reflected light translates into a 3-6 percent
relative increase in light-to-electricity conversion efficiency
power output of the cells. Coupled with the superhydrophobic
self-cleaning ability
, this could also substantially reduce maintenance
and operating costs of solar panels. In addition, the coating is highly
effective at blocking ultraviolet light.

The self-cleaning is due to water bouncing off the panels - taking dirt and debris with it.

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