
Sakura is the avatar for so many girls who struggle with inferiority and personal insecurities, who manages to make something out of herself through sheer hard work alone.

And everytime I see a misogynistic post putting her down for the most asinine reasons, (her breasts are too small, she’s so useless, useless useless and she’s a battered wife who needs to put out to the guy “who has been there all along for her” also how dare she be vocal/aggressive about her feelings how dare she not be a delicate wall flower how dare she make mistakes, what a selfish bitch she doesn’t deserve to be the heroine, she deserves to die or be raped, ridiculed)

Every time I see a post listing those incredibly idiotic reasons I feel like I’m seeing a physical manifestation of the misogyny, both blatant and internalized, right there in front of me and I have such hope in humanity that it still gets to me everytime

 I can not believe that it’s 2015 and there are people who have so much personal, pent up anger/hatred that they would unleash it on the one character that most people can ironically relate to
