soul eater fandom horoscopes


Aries: obsessed with side characters. physically cannot stop themselves from shrieking when Kilik or Sid or Mira is on screen and foams at the mouth when a side char’s backstory is mentioned

Taurus: has like, 2 favorite characters and that’s it. loves those characters too much (tattoos and blood oaths may be involved). very loyal to those characters, will defend them to the death

Gemini: has looked at an attractive stranger before and tried very hard to resonate with them. also tries to resonate with friends. and pets, sometimes

Cancer: enjoys jello more than any other food because they can pretend it is a delicious soul goin down smooth and being super tasty

Leo: screams and flails at television when re-watching Soul Eater (for the 14th time) and mouths along to all the most badass lines under their breath

Virgo: secretly into the most depraved fandom smut. has all the good dirty times of their OTP bookmarked. feels a deep kinship to Tsubaki

Libra: thinks far too hard and too often about what their kishin form would look like if they went insane

Scorpio: often draws upon the Great Spirit of Black Star for inspiration when trash talking, giving public speeches, and/or leaping from rooftop to rooftop

Sagittarius: favors messy hair above all else. refuses to explain why, but if you come within 10 feet of them they’ll mess your hair up (it’s a sign of great love let it happen)

Capricorn: deliberately pretends they can’t play basketball. does not understand why this doesn’t make them instantly cool

Aquarius: has spent many, many, many hours window-shopping for combat boots and headbands. also enjoys paisley.

