
Like last week, little words are making the effect.

I was upset too at first, I have to admit. But why should we?
Sasuke is totally in character, what did we have expected? Him falling to his knees and begging Sakura to marry him right in front of their fucking biggest enemy of all times?!

And he is right to say that.
At this point, Sakura can’t do anything. Which is okay.
I mean… she managed to survive going straight at Madara and there are like 5 Ninja-Villages full of people who wouldn’t even survive getting close to his ass.
While she is not pumped up with blood-line abilities or monsters for fucks sake.

So Sasuke is not calling her useless, I’d say, he is just pointing out that Sakura is not able to do something at this point.
And because he knows (and saw) that she is willed to risk her life to try anything to end this war, he is not saying her anything.
I guess that’s his way of showing, that he does not want her to throw her life away.

And as some people already posted, it was always sad that Sakura was originally a Genjutsu-Type.
So her time will come, Pals.
Just lean back and watch her.
