Sakura haters, what amusing little children.



So now sakura haters are bashing her for shaking before attempting to stab obito’s eye.

Seriously? One little shake and they already feel that she was not going to do it, she was taking long (how do they know she was taking long?) and that she can’t handle going through with it. Mind you she was able to cut naruto open and is a top class medical nin.

I am not saying she wasn’t a bit hesitant due to the circumstances and having to stab obito who is now somewhat of an ally. However to say that she can’t do it; won’t do it; is taking too long and is useless for it is completely erroneous and biased.

Anytime she appears in a chapter she gets hate. Yet sakura fans are the obsessed ones, we are the freaks, the weirdos and losers. At least we support a character we like as opposed to stalking and thinking about one we hate all the time.

I swear sakura gets the most hate and these little 12 year olds don’t even realise how disgusting they are for acting like this.

All this hate she is receiving is so damn senseless. Sakura’s exhausted, she has healed the whole alliance, she has fought and she kept Naruto alive.


In this panel Obito’s trembling too, which means he seems to be pretty exhausted too or well, he seems to be in a lot of pain. How should someone like Sakura, whose task as a medic-nin is to heal people, simply cut out Obito’s eye, while he’s already suffering? 

It’s humane to hesitate, even if it’s just for a second, she would have done it anyway.
